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I want it to be organic

I've been overwhelmed by the number of friends and supporters for SaGud Things and the encouragement of many to "Go For It!" Many have showered me with marketing ideas, analytics to drive traffic to my website, even Facebook will send thousands my way for a price (and they remind me daily 😁). Oddly, that's not what I envisioned for SaGud Things. I am certainly "marketing" it on FB, but it's more of a place to share my idea with friends, than it is a marketing tool.

The ultimate visitor to, when it goes live next month, is the person who has received a SaGud. It's almost a social experiment, more than it is a business. My wish is for people to be nicer to each other, appreciate each other, and compliment one another when people are going the extra mile for you. The community of peeps on will be those who received and/or gave a SaGud. That's my dream. One person handing another a SaGud and them either paying it forward to someone else or visiting the site to get their own package. I've got a great day job. I love it and the people I work with. I consider myself blessed to still be involved with the industry I've spent my life in. It's not work to me. So, I'm not looking for new fields to plow. SaGud Things is a labor of love and is driven by the passion to make the world a better place. I don't want it to be a business; I want it to be organic, driven by the sheer joy of people wanting to be nice to each other.

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